YOU are the lifeblood of Schipperke Rescue! Almost all Schipperkes who come through
SRN require some veterinary care: vaccinations, heartworm, spay/neuter and
sometime life-saving surgeries. The vet bill can range from $400 to over $1,000.
Because of age and/or medical condition, some dogs simply cannot be placed. SRN
places the special needs dogs in permanent foster homes and pays healthcare, special
food, medicines, surgeries, and other medical service expenses. Expenses for some of
our charges exceed $1,000 or more per year.
SRN makes a commitment to our dogs; either we find the perfect loving home for the
dog, or the dog remains in an SRN-approved foster home. Many of our charges have
been abused, neglected, or abandoned but all find safety under the umbrella of SRN.
You can easily support SRN. Each of the buttons below will take you to a donation site
or a special program in which a portion of your purchase will be donated to SRN.
Please look them over and choose the one that is most convenient for you!
(12 May 2023) SPECIAL NOTE: Contributions made through PayPal can now be
scheduled as either a monthly or annual recurring donation. Simply click the option on the
opening page to use this convenient feature!
GENERAL FUND DONATIONS support the day-to-day
needs of dogs in our foster homes. Use your Paypal
account, or use your personal credit card (no Paypal
account required).
SPECIAL NEEDS DONATIONS support the urgent needs
of critical-care dogs, plus the on-going needs of our very
special seniors. The Paypal screen will allow you to
specify the specific Special Needs dog for your
donation. Use your Paypal account, or use your
personal credit card (no Paypal account required).
NETWORK for GOOD offers regular donors a
convenient service through which recurring automatic
donations can be set up, charged to a credit card or
bank account.
MEMORIAL DONATIONS honor a beloved Schip or a
specific Schip person or family. The honoree will receive
a special card acknowledging your donation in their
name. Be sure to put the honoree's name and address
in the "Instructions to Seller" box at checkout. Use your
Paypal account, or use your personal credit card (no
Paypal account required).
FEED-a-FRIEND DONATIONS provide food and basic
veterinary aid on a temporary basis to Schip owners
with short-term financial issues but who want to keep
their beloved Schip in their homes. Use your Paypal
account, or use your personal credit card (no Paypal
account required).