Age: Senior
Latest update: 05-12-2023
SRN supported
Current Status: An older dog that needs your help. Somewhat
over 8 years old, he has Auto Immune Hemolytic Anemia.
He had a rough journey after his original owner
died to get to his current forever home. His
medical situation results in high vet expenses. SRN
stepped up to help … and we need your help to do that.
Jacko could have died and his condition remains life threatening. He
your help as do many other dogs who have no owners, or owners who are
facing their own hard times.
We don't want to put Jacko down because we can't afford the
vet care he needs. His life threatening condition has stabilized
somewhat, and he needs weekly blood draws, and lots of
Holistic treatment the owner is paying for including special diet,
so he can continue to be the very special happy dog he finally is.
Please help him get the treatment he
needs. The treatments are helping him to
remain stable and enjoy life.
Diagnosis & Prognosis: Corticosteroids help weaken
your body’s immune response. That’s why they’re
typically the first line of treatment for autoimmune
hemolytic anemia. If corticosteroids don’t work, then
your healthcare provider may prescribe
immunosuppressants. The goal is to stop your
immune system from attacking your bone marrow.
If medications do not seem to be working, a
Splenectomy may be needed as well as blood
transfusions. Support for Jacko will be greatly